Fresh Like Rain--An Introduction

Greetings & Salutations Friends,

The idea here is to have a little place where I can communicate news & random prose & poetry that might grab me. So come back from time to time and have a look see at what I'm up's to it...

As you may or may not know, I have been quite the busy lad of late. After four months of very enjoyable time in the studio with my engineer/co-producer, Evan Jones, in Fort Worth, TX, I am ready to release a brand new album, From the Wall & In the City. The album features many of my very favorite artists and friends, some of which I knew before the album, and some of which, through undoubtable blessings, came into my life during the making of the record. I really think you'll get a kick out of it. It was a riot to make.

Also, I just finished up a three week tour West with my good friend, Tyler T. We had a great time and met a whole lot of good folks out on the road, saw some beautiful country, played music almost every night, and walked with a little scratch in our pockets...woo hoo...head West young we did.

Of course, this website is new as of today, Friday, April 30th...2010...though, time being what it is, it won't stay that way long...and most likely will no longer be so when your eyes hit this text...such a small window of newness and swaddling clothes...but nevertheless, here we are on a new bit of internet feel free to send me suggestions, comments, pictures from shows, etc. and I'll try and incorporate these offerings into whatever this thing is to become.

Finally, there is plenty of talk of plenty of travel and shows, both solo and with a band of gypsy misfit stragglers, so please speak up if there is somewhere you'd like to see me.

Thank you so much for stopping by and spending a little time. I hope this finds you well and enjoying whatever song is playing in the bottom left corner of your screen there...

Levelland, TX

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