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Fort Twenty 

 Fort Worth is soaked. The kids across the street are brazen. The voices skip from the roof across the street and the lower levels and into the ears of two gentlemen. Men whose ears had previously been filled with tales of pain and woe, staggered recovery.

"Wow! Did y'all see that lightning strike?"

The men can't tell if the voices belong to legally imbibing enthusiasts or not, but nubile enthusiasm is the huckleberry of the evening. Thunder serenades.


And it's big and I am not quite sure but I…Read more

Monday Morning Coming Down 

jiggling fleshy loose she quickly rose to face the day
well worked breathing hard
hacking up a life's dicey choices
amongst other unmentionables
damn sure enough

the sun streaked through in irritation
he doesn't notice
drapes don't come dark enough sugar
put your best foot forward
make believe
this is it
a victory


crept into every fibre
posted up and took over
sluggishly drove discipline
right out the seventh story window
grinned grinning at the
sprawling corpse below
yawns takes a drink
inhales deep the medicine
gorges on hours of days
gorged on days of weeks
fat on years of life
hungry still and always
patting a grown growing ponch
sleepy and stupid
oozing platitudes
reeking stale molding
imperceptible inchings
up into the coffin
shut tight the lid
for the rest in it
now sleep